Saints of God, come to his/her aid!
Come to meet him/her angels of the Lord!
Receive his/her soul;
and present him/her to God the Most High.
May Christ, who called you, take you to himself;
may angels bring you into the arms of Abraham.
Receive his/her soul:
and present him/her to God the Most High.
Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him/her;
present him/her to God the Most High.
Let us pray:
Into your hands, Father of mercies,
we commend our brother/sister,
in the sure and certain hope
that, together with all who have died in Christ,
he/she will rise with him on the last day.
We give you thanks for the blessings
which you have bestowed upon N.N. in this life:
they are signs to us of your goodness
and of our fellowship with the saints in Christ.
Merciful Lord,
turn toward us and listen to our prayers:
open the gates of paradise to your servant
and help us who remain
to comfort one another with assurances of faith,
until we all meet in Christ
and are with you and with our brother/sister for ever.
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